Topics & Professors
6. Cyber security and the risks of AI (ethical, legal, technological, decision making etc. aspects)
Antonella Longo
(Chief Professor)
University of Salento

Antonella Longo, assistant professor at the Department of Engineering for Innovation of the University of Salento, received the PhD in Information Engineering in 2004. She teaches Data Management and Big data management for decision making at Management Engineering and Business school master courses. Her research interests deal with information systems and databases, service-oriented architectures design for cloud infrastructure, technology-enhanced learning and citizen science. Her current research activity focuses on big data management and exploration of cloud architecture integration with edge computing in cyber-physical social systems. On these topics, she has published more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conference proceedings. She carries out her research activity at the DIDA – Lab, the technology- enhanced learning lab at University of Salento, where she coordinates the research activities about the use of digital technologies for enhancing STEM teaching and learning at Higher Education Institutions
Csaba Krasznay
Ludovika – University of Public Service

Csaba Krasznay is an associate professor at the University of Public Service with cybersecurity being his field of research. Currently, he is also the Head of the university’s Institute of Cybersecurity. Besides his activities in higher education, he is present on the market as well. He obtained a CISA certification in 2005, CISM and CISSP in 2006, CEH in 2008, ISO 27001 Lead Auditor in 2012, and CSSLP in 2015. He is a board member of the Magyary Zoltán E-government Association and the Voluntary Cyber defence Cooperation, a member of ISACA Budapest Chapter and the Hungarian Association for Electronic Signature. In 2011, he was voted to the “Security Expert of the Year”.