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Attila Marjan
(Chief Professor)
Ludovika – University of Public Service
Mr. Attila Marjan (1971), economist with a legal degree, and Ph.D. in international relations (2003) has a dual career in public service/diplomacy and academia. He has 16 years of experience in EU diplomacy and at the European Commission (since 1999) . After having worked as Brussels-based diplomat (head of economic and financial unit of the Hungarian Permanent Representation) for several years, he joined the European Commision in 2004. He was cabinet member of EU Commissioners. Later he worked for the European Commission’s Education Directorate General on higher education cooperation, the Erasmus+ and the Jean Monnet programmes. He recently resumed his academic activities as associate professor. He also has almost 20 years of experience in university education and academic research in the field of EU studies, international relations and geopolitics. He was trainer of École National D’Adminstration (ENA, Paris) and the World Bank on EU policies, institutions and decision-making between 2011 and 2013. He is habilitated doctor and private university professor of the Budapest Corvinus University. He is associate professor of the National University of Public Service in Budapest (the university for diplomacy, public administration and military staff). He is also associate professor of the Széchenyi University (GyÅ‘r, Hungary).
Boglarka Koller
Ludovika – University of Public Service

Boglárka Koller is a full professor, head of Department of European Studies and vice-rector for international affairs at the University of Public Service, Budapest. She graduated at the Corvinus University, Budapest as an economist in 1998; she also holds an MA in Nationalism Studies from the Central European University (CEU), Budapest and an MSc in European Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Her main research areas are history and theories of European integration, differentiated integration and multi-speed Europe, Europeanisation in Central and Eastern Europe. She has numerous publications on European integration among which there are three books (Nemzet, identitás és politika Európában – Nations, identities and politics in Europe -, L’Harmattan, Budapest, 2006.; Európa utazása – The Voyage of Europe. History of EU integration; co-author with Krisztina Arató, Gondolat Kiadó, 2015; Képzelt Európa – Imagined Europe; co-author with Krisztina Arató, Balassi Kiadó, 2013) and several journal articles and edited volumes. Recently published an edited volume with Alexei D. Voskressenski: The Regional World Order at Lexington, USA and contributed to L'Europe, une fracture á retardement volume edited by Violaine Delteil and Xavier Richet, L’Harmattan in 2019 with a chapter ‘Differentiated Union. The Only Way Forward or One That Leads to Desintegrations?’ Her latest co-edited volume will be published in July 2021 at Routledge: The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe. Why In, Why Out? (co-edited with Krisztina Arató and Anita Pelle).