2nd Transnational Project Meeting
17-18 November 2022, Cluj, Romania
Twelve researchers from five partner institutions participated at the second Transnational Project Meeting held at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Cluj Napoca, on 17 and 18 November 2022.
Participants were greeted by the Dean of the Faculty of Cluj-Napoca, DezsÅ‘ Szenkovics, Ph.D. The hosting team of Sapientia Hungarian University of Sciences led by assistant professor EnikÅ‘ Biró presented the history and the features of the host institution. The presentation assisted by a Microsoft PPT presentation raised the interest of participants in the living conditions and the recent history of the Hungarian minority in Transylvania, and a vibrant question-and-answer session emerged unexpectedly.
Thereafter, the direct project topics were addressed. As the work slowly turns toward its finish, and most intellectual outputs had already been elaborated, the emphasis of future work has now been laid on the project dissemination activities. Prof. Anna Molnár (University of Public Service Ludovika) presented the dissemination plans, the mass media and social media presence of the project activities and encouraged the actualization of personal and professional information on the project website.
The evening activity was a breathtaking guided tour in the downtown of the host city, the heart of Transylvania, Cluj Napoca, led by art historian Radu Lupescu, Ph.D. (Sapientia Hungarian University of Sciences). The walk with an insider’s view was one of the highlights of the event.
The second day was a similarly busy one and continued with project administration issues, where the main project manager Edina Zsigmond, chief international officer at the University of Public Service Ludovika first presented the results of the interim report, then led the discussion on the results, the feedback, the financial reporting documents, and the reporting on intellectual outputs. The current state of the EUSecure course curriculum and the state of the learning material digitalization (MOOC) were discussed.
Associate professor Ágnes Sántha (Sapientia Hungarian University of Sciences) presented the teaching material EUSecure LITE for high schools, and plans were elaborated as to the implementation of the activity.
The project has now come to its final stage. Therefore, the upcoming closing events were also planned. First, the Piraeus winter school (28 February – 4 March 2023) schedule was drafted, and the close-up transnational project meeting and conference in Porto was scheduled for the end of June 2023.
Participants: DezsÅ‘ Szenkovics, EnikÅ‘ Biró, Ágnes Sántha and Szabolcs Szilveszter (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Romania), Anna Molnár and Edina Zsigmond (University of Public Service Ludovika, Budapest, Hungary), Maria Katsigianni (University of Piraeus, Greece), Cláudia Toriz Ramos and Nadine Trigo (University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal), Monica Genesin, Flora Koleci and Thomas Christiansen (Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy).
(Source: Link)